If you watch American Idol, you might find this entertaining. If not, you might want to skip the post... but I guess lot of people are upset that Sanjaya is still on American Idol... well, one die hard fan has decided to go on a hunger strike until he's voted off. If you want to learn more, you can go the link below:
starvationforsanjayaPersonally, I think I wish they'd show her sister (pictured right) in the audience a little more... but the situation has me befuddled... on one hand, she's hot with big breasts and used to work at Hooter's. Those are all positives. On the other hand, Sanjaya and her look a lot alike (in more than that "all ethnic people look alike" way) and that bums me out... does that make me gay? I hope not.
On a separate note, I wish Hooter's (or a similar chain) would step up and start marketing themselves by the percentage of waitresses who have "thrown around the kitty" with a patron... which sounds better: "The best ribs in town" (or) "Over 30% of our waitresses have had sex with a customer". I know where I'd eat.