Log Time: 9:40-9:51; The Ides of April...
Spring is in the air... for many people its a re-birth of hope, love, life. For me, its the start of another annoying allergy season where I feel sick to my stomach for no reason. Needless to say, the toilet and I are "bff" right now. A couple of thoughts...
Thought #1: This link (link) is to an article about some scientists from Venezuala who are trying to de-flatulize beans (i.e. so they don't make you fart). Why would they do this? These bastards are neutering the beans, taking away their identity!
Thought #2: Irony... Bourbon County, Kentucky, for which Bourbon Whiskey is named... is a "dry" county.
Thought #1: This link (link) is to an article about some scientists from Venezuala who are trying to de-flatulize beans (i.e. so they don't make you fart). Why would they do this? These bastards are neutering the beans, taking away their identity!
Thought #2: Irony... Bourbon County, Kentucky, for which Bourbon Whiskey is named... is a "dry" county.
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