The Doodie Man!

follow my crap

Monday, February 27, 2006

Log Time 9:20-9:27; Surpisingly good...

That's how I feel after my weekend in Vegas. This morning's exepdition was very standard. Much unlike the war on terror, it was quick, simple and well executed. Some final Vegas thoughts...

Final Vegas thought #1: The snack mix they serve on planes suck. In general snack mix was just a crap idea from the start because snack food is "craving" food, and you never "crave" pretzels, nuts, doritos, etc. at the same time. Also, there's always something in the pack that not only do you not like, but also makes you nauseous, so you can't just eat, you have to pick.

Final Vegas thought #2: The strip club that is on the market for a rumored $83 million is The Saphire.

Final Vegas thought #3: One of the many keys to a successful Vegas trip is managing the urge to eat greasy late afternoon snacks. You can really wreck your night by not having enough discipline.

Final Vegas thought #4: Has anyone ever slipped a seeing eye dog a "mickey"? I'm not actually sure what this would do, but was just wondering.



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